Converts a comma-separated values (CSV) string to a 2D array of objects. The first row of the string is used as the title row.
CSV string to convert.
delimiter used in the CSV string.
JSON object array.
Converts an array of objects to a comma-separated values (CSV) string that contains only the columns specified.
Array of objects to convert.
Columns to include in the CSV string.
Delimiter to use in the CSV string.
CSV string.
Move an item from one position in an array to another.
Array to move the item in.
The index of the item to move.
The index to move the item to.
Checks if the element specified is visible in the viewport.
element to check.
Determine if the element is entirely visible, or specify true to determine if it is partially visible.
Copy text to clipboard
string to copy to clipboard.
Cartesian product.
Encode a URL.
doesn't encode -_.!~*'()
Generate prime numbers. Using the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
Prime numbers array.
Deep value retriever.
a deeply nested objects, array, or Javascript Map.
path to the value to retrieve.
Get type of a variable in string
Convert URL parameters to object.
An URL parameters object.
Group the elements of an map according to the given key.
The map to group.
The key to group by.
Injects the given CSS code into the current document
css code string to inject
The newly created style element
Lazily initializes an object's property until it's used.
Returns the index of the function in an array of functions which executed the fastest.
Functions to compare
Iterations to run each function. The more iterations, the more reliable the result but the longer it will take.
Fastest function index
Ensure a given function can only be called once.
The function to call only once.
The context to call the function in.
Split an array into two based on a function.
Compose functions from left to right.
Performs left-to-right function composition for asynchronous functions.
Functions to compose.
A function that composes the functions in fns
The polling function.
The function to poll.
The timeout in milliseconds.
The interval in milliseconds.
A promise that resolves when the condition is met.
Creates a function that invokes the provided function with its arguments arranged according to the specified indexes.
Function to rearrange arguments for.
Indexes to rearrange arguments.
Function with rearranged arguments.
Invokes the provided callback on each animation frame.
Callback to invoke on each animation frame.
Whether need to implicitly call start when the function is invoked.
Check if the browser support webp.
Respond to an event only until a condition is met.
Wait a given amount of time between tasks.
A promise which will resolves in given period.
Halts following actions without locking the browser, so you can interact with the page. Useful in debug and test.
A promise which never resolves.
Returns a function that takes one argument and runs a callback if it's truthy or returns it if falsy.
Predicate function.
A function to run if the predicate is truthy.
Return a function expecting a single value, x
, that returns the appropriate value based on pred
Generated using TypeDoc
Easing functions.